2025 Preview at the Festival Jun 13-15 | Edmonds Art Studio Tour Sept 20&21

2025 Edmonds Art Studio Tour
Join us for our annual Studio Tour,
Sept 20 & 21, 2025 10am–5pm
The free, self-guided Edmonds Art Studio Tour is offered once a year as an opportunity to visit the private studios of local artists in the Edmonds area. It is held on the third weekend in September and is run by an all-volunteer committee of local artists. This fun community event offers an opportunity to purchase handmade work, see new art being created, or just visit and ask questions of the artists. Everyone is welcome!
COVID UPDATE: We follow CDC guidelines for group gatherings and will announce at the time of the tour. Be aware masks may be required for the upcoming tour in accordance with the current state mandate.
The mission of the Edmonds Art Studio Tour is to increase the visibility of the Arts in Edmonds. Its purpose is to bring people to Edmonds to see, experience and purchase art from local artists. The Tour highlights private workspaces not usually open to the public, providing a more intimate look at how an artist lives and works. This event consists of a free, 2-day public tour of approximately 20 Edmonds area art studios showcasing approximately 40 local artists.

We couldn't do this without the amazing sponsors who support our tour each year, such as the Joyful Art Fund. Please visit our Supporters Page and be sure to thank them for their support of the arts in Edmonds. Thank you!
If you're an artist who lives in or has strong ties to the arts community of Edmonds, please consider applying to be on future tours.
"I love that the Tour lets me meet folks from around the region that are artists themselves, students, or collectors-- they make for great company! I also love when folks that happen upon us and learn something new. It's all good energy and I love it."
Pictured above: Julie busy at work in her studio
Behind the Scenes
"It's a window into the lives of the many artists that live and work in Edmonds all year long. Once a year, you are invited to the private spaces where the magic happens!"
Pictured above: Jennifer welcomes guests into her studio
Sharing and Learning
"Participating in our community's art studio tour allows me to share my creative process utilizing wax. I learned about this medium of encaustic on a similar studio tour that I attend each year with my mom during Mother's Day weekend. Both tours have become a special tradition for us."
Pictured above: Kim demonstrating her process during the 2022 Preview of the Tour