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Nicole Caulfield


Nicole Caulfield Studio

Colored Pencil on Board

Artist Statement

My still-lifes and portraiture often explore the strangeness of depicting space, depth and form on a 2-dimensional surface. I enjoy creating space. I often tell my students that a realist artist is a magician, since we are essentially illusionists trying to make it seem like an object is there when it is not.


Edmonds Connection

I am have been a resident in Edmonds since the spring of 2022 and show my work at Gallery North on Main Street.

You can see Nicole at Studio #11.


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© 2024 by Edmonds Art Studio Tour. Individual Artists hold their own copyrights. All Rights Reserved.

Funded in part by the City of Edmonds Arts Commission Tourism Promotion Fund through City of Edmonds Lodging Tax funds.

Presented by the Edmonds Arts Festival.

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