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Lynn McManus


LHM Glass Design

Kilnworked, Fused Glass

Artist Statement

Lynn creates kiln-worked glass- some wearable, some functional, some whimsical, some practical. Come see some, sparkly shiny and beautiful glass artwork right here in Edmonds!


Edmonds Connection

Edmonds Studio Tour and preview participant Edmonds Arts Festival artist participant Volunteer Artist with Edmonds School District Board member Edmonds Studio Tour

Lynn lives, works, maintains a studio, and sells in Edmonds.

Edmonds Arts Festival Volunteer

You can see Lynn at Studio #7.


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© 2024 by Edmonds Art Studio Tour. Individual Artists hold their own copyrights. All Rights Reserved.

Funded in part by the City of Edmonds Arts Commission Tourism Promotion Fund through City of Edmonds Lodging Tax funds.

Presented by the Edmonds Arts Festival.

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